Making Real Estate Accessible, One Language at a Time

Our cutting-edge AI technology allows your property listings to reach a global audience with ease by automatically translating your content into multiple languages.

Multisite Network Management

Easy Localization with WordPress

Geo-Targeted Content and Offers

Localized SEO for Multilingual Sites

Unify your multilingual website

Obayu's Multisite Network streamlines management of your multilingual real estate website. Utilize a single WordPress installation to manage multiple language versions, making it easier to maintain consistency and coordinate updates across all your sites.
A multisite network simplifies content management for administrators, allowing you to operate more efficiently while providing visitors with a seamless experience in their preferred language. This solution is perfect for real estate firms looking to expand their global presence and cater to various linguistic and cultural needs without sacrificing operational efficiency.

Accommodating right-to-left languages

Built-in RTL Language Support

Obayu understands the importance of inclusive design and supports right-to-left (RTL) languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. WordPress themes with built-in RTL support ensure proper text alignment and layout, providing a consistent experience for all users.
By offering RTL language support, Obayu enables your real estate website to cater to a wider audience, making your listings more accessible and appealing to users who read right-to-left languages. This increases the potential reach of your business and helps you connect with diverse markets.
Translation Plugins for WordPress
Obayu's cloud-based WordPress platform simplifies localization, offering translation plugins, customizable language switchers, and geo-targeting options to create a personalized experience for visitors from different countries.
Obayu leverages WordPress translation plugins to easily convert your real estate website's content into multiple languages, streamlining the process of managing a multilingual site and reaching a global audience.
Customizable Language Switcher
Obayu's WordPress integration offers a customizable language switcher, enabling users to effortlessly transition between languages on your website, enhancing accessibility and catering to diverse linguistic preferences.
Geo-Targeting for Personalization
Utilize WordPress geo-targeting plugins with Obayu to display content, offers, or promotions specific to a user's location. This creates a personalized experience for visitors from different countries, boosting engagement and increasing conversion rates.
Multilingual Content Support
Obayu's WordPress integration simplifies multilingual content creation and management, making it easy to maintain a multilingual real estate website that caters to users from various linguistic backgrounds.
Multilingual SEO Optimization
Obayu's WordPress platform enables SEO optimization for multiple languages using plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. Optimize your multilingual website for search engines, increasing visibility and attracting a broader audience.

Enhance user experience and reach

Embrace Localization Benefits

Obayu emphasizes the importance of localization, creating a more inclusive and accessible experience for users worldwide. Localizing your real estate website with Obayu's cloud technology not only increases your reach but also improves user experience, cultural relevance, SEO, and gives you a competitive advantage.

Increased Reach through Localization

Obayu's localized content helps you reach a wider audience by communicating in their native language. Catering to users worldwide, the AI-powered cloud enables your real estate firm to effectively engage with diverse markets, expanding your potential customer base.

Achieve Cultural Relevance

Obayu ensures that your content is tailored to local language and culture, resulting in increased engagement and conversions. By being culturally relevant, your real estate listings resonate better with the audience, fostering trust and interest in your properties.

Improved User Experience

Obayu focuses on providing content in local languages, which significantly improves user experience. By making it easier for users to understand and navigate your website, you create an inclusive environment that encourages engagement and helps convert leads into sales.

Boost SEO with Local Content

Obayu's local language content improves your SEO by increasing visibility in local search results. This makes it easier for search engines to understand your content, driving organic traffic to your real estate listings and connecting you with the right audience.

Gain Competitive Advantage

Providing local language content with Obayu's AI-powered cloud gives you a competitive advantage over businesses that don't cater to local audiences. By prioritizing localization, you demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and better serve the diverse needs of your customers.

Personalize experiences based on location

Obayu's Geo-Targeting feature allows you to display content, offers, or promotions specific to a user's location, creating a truly personalized experience. By understanding where your visitors come from, you can tailor your real estate listings and promotions accordingly.
Geo-targeting enables you to effectively engage with visitors from different countries, providing them with relevant and appealing content. This strategy not only enhances user satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of converting leads into sales for your real estate business.

Seamless browsing in preferred languages

Enhance your website's user experience with Obayu's Automatic Language Detection feature. This function utilizes plugins to detect a visitor's browser language settings and automatically displays content in their preferred language, ensuring a smooth and personalized experience.
Automatic Language Detection helps you cater to an international audience effortlessly, making your real estate listings more accessible to users from different linguistic backgrounds. As a result, you can boost engagement and improve the overall user experience on your website, leading to increased interest in your properties and higher conversion rates.

Streamline teamwork on projects

Collaborative Content Management

Obayu fosters secure collaboration with its cloud platform, simplifying team-based content management.
Staging and Drafts Pipeline
Obayu offers a robust article publishing pipeline, including staging and drafts.
Efficient article publishing
This feature enables your team to collaborate on content in a structured manner, ensuring that drafts are reviewed and approved before going live. Multiple levels of approval can be implemented, allowing you to maintain control over content quality and ensure consistent messaging across your real estate website.
Easy-to-Use Collaboration Tools
Obayu provides intuitive collaboration tools designed to improve team efficiency.
Enhance teamwork and communication
Our platform makes it easy for team members to work together on projects, exchange ideas, and provide feedback in real time. By streamlining the collaboration process, Obayu helps your team stay organized and aligned, ultimately driving better results for your real estate business.
Comprehensive Audit Log
Obayu's platform includes a full audit log, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Track actions for accountability
The audit log allows you to see who does what, tracking every action taken by team members. This level of oversight not only promotes responsibility but also helps identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. With Obayu's secure collaboration environment, you can efficiently manage your real estate website while maintaining a high level of security and control.
Multiple Approval Levels
Obayu enables multiple levels of approval for content, ensuring consistency.
Maintain content quality control
By implementing multiple approval stages, you can guarantee that every piece of content meets your quality standards before being published. This process not only helps maintain a professional and coherent brand image but also ensures that your real estate website provides accurate, reliable, and engaging information for your audience.
With Obayu's AWS technology, your team can easily collaborate on real estate projects and ideas while ensuring sensitive information remains protected. Our platform promotes seamless communication and cooperation, allowing you to manage content effectively as a team and streamline the publishing process.

Rank higher in local search engines

Obayu helps you optimize your multilingual WordPress site for local search engines, employing plugins that support localized SEO strategies. This ensures your real estate listings rank higher in different countries and languages, reaching a broader audience.
A well-executed localized SEO plan drives more organic traffic to your website and increases visibility in target markets. By optimizing your site for specific regions and languages, you can attract a diverse range of potential clients, ultimately growing your real estate business and expanding your global footprint.

PCI Compliant Cloud for Real Estate Providers

Integrated Cloud Security Standard

Our cloud confidently operates on AWS, delivering the strongest integrated security standard. We leverage AI to establish and configure the cloud for you, including all mandatory compliance scans, allowing you to be operational without the need for extra IT assistance.

Isolated Containers
Secure SSLs
Managed Firewall
Security Audits
Disaster Recovery
Intrusion Prevention Systems

AI Enabled Real Estate Cloud

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I be concerned with localization for my website?
Localization is essential for any website owner looking to reach a global audience. By providing content in multiple languages and catering to diverse cultures, you can enhance user experience, increase engagement, and expand your customer base.
How can localization benefit my website's user experience?
Localization improves user experience by making your website accessible and easy to navigate for users who speak different languages. This helps build trust and fosters a positive relationship with your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
Can localization improve my website's search engine rankings?
Yes, localizing your website can improve your search engine rankings by increasing visibility in local search results. By optimizing your website for multiple languages, you can attract more organic traffic and reach a wider audience.
Is localization relevant for businesses targeting a specific region or country?
Yes, even if your business targets a specific region, localization is still important. Catering to the linguistic and cultural preferences of your target audience demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and helps you connect more effectively with potential clients.
How can localization help me stay ahead of my competition?
Localization gives you a competitive advantage over businesses that do not offer content in multiple languages.

Standard Security Features

PCI Secure Hosting

PCI compliance made simple with secure cloud hosting. All compliance audits and reporting are handled for you. 

PCI DSS Explained

PCI DSS, or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, sets specific requirements for cloud hosting of payment card data. Cloud hosting providers must adhere to strict security measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of cardholder data. This includes encryption of data at rest and in transit, regular backups, and access controls to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, cloud hosting providers must be able to comply with PCI DSS requirements for data access and disclosure, and must have a process for handling data breaches and notifying affected parties.

Hosted on Amazon Web Services

Hosting on AWS ensures secure and scalable data storage and management, the cost-effective solution for schools.

AWS Security Explained

By using AWS as the base platform, organizations can easily meet their security needs, thanks to its robust security features and certifications. AWS ensures data protection, encryption, and secure transfer, and with AWS managed services, customers can focus on their business rather than worrying about security. The AWS infrastructure provides a reliable and scalable solution to meet customer demands, and the customer has control over access and resource utilization.

Ready for AI

Be ready to integrate with advanced AI and Chatbots for next level support of students, staff, and community partners. 

Compliant AI Hosting

Cloud security and container technology are essential for running AI-based educational applications. With containers, it is possible to isolate different applications and reduce the possibility of data breaches. In addition, cloud security measures provide an added layer of protection for sensitive data, ensuring that data is safe from unauthorized access. Overall, the combination of cloud security and container technology provides a secure and scalable environment for organizations to run their AI-based applications.

Secure Isolated Containers

Container isolation reduces the risk of sensitive data leakage and cyberattacks, as each container is isolated and secured.


Containers Explained

A container is like a virtual machine or a boxed-up software package that has everything it needs to run an application. The container can run on any computer or server with a container runtime. Container security involves protecting the data and processes within the container from outside threats, like hackers or malware. Containers can be isolated, so if one is compromised, the others won’t be affected. Additionally, containers can be configured to only allow certain traffic in and out, further improving security.

Disaster Recover and Backup

Automatic backups and disaster recovery protect your vital records and data and meet all compliance requiernments. 

Cloud Backups Explained

Disaster recovery and backups are important for protecting your data in case of an unforeseen event. In the cloud, backups are automatically created and stored off-site, reducing the chance of data loss. With the cloud, disaster recovery is faster and more efficient, as data is stored across multiple servers. Containers, which isolate applications in their own environment, also help protect against data loss and ensure business continuity.

GDPR and Records Management

GDPR ensures data protection and privacy for individuals within the EU and EEA, no matter where data is stored.

GDPR Expectations Explained

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European Union law that regulates the use of personal data. Webmasters who collect and process personal data, such as name, email, or location, must comply with GDPR.

This means obtaining user consent, providing access to stored data, and ensuring its safety. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines. Websites, especially those that collect data from minors, must take GDPR compliance seriously to protect their users’ privacy and avoid legal issues. Cloud hosting can help achieve GDPR compliance by providing secure data storage and access control.

DataCenter Compliance Statement

Disclaimer: Our cloud is designed with the most rigorous safeguards and industry-leading standards, and is backed by the trusted AWS technology. We strive to provide a secure environment for your data. However, it is essential to understand that the ultimate responsibility for security lies with the end user. Implementing and adhering to the proper procedures is crucial in maintaining the security of your data. It is important to note that most data disclosures occur due to accidental exposure of sensitive information, rather than direct security breaches. As an end user, always exercise caution and follow best practices to ensure the protection of your valuable data.